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I met Claudia and Catherine ( C&C) about a year ago, when was trying to recover from long term COVID and had all sorts of digestive, respiratory and autoimmune disorder issues 
The attention, the care, the diet, the follow-up appointments help me to step by step get better and recover in a natural way without the steroids and antibiotics that I was prescribed by the MD 
In addition, I highly recommend Catherine’s acupuncture and Claudia’s Emotion Code therapy..  They add to the incredible holistic approach of the treatment program.  The application on the phone (Practice  Better) makes the  process  of the recovery easier .
Gratefully ,
Tatiana C
Catherine and Claudia helped me design a diet that helped with my inflammation.  They also followed me after surgery. They were both very knowledgeable, compassionate  and very attentive to  my concerns. I highly recommend their practice.
I started working with Catherine and Claudia after experiencing a spontaneous kundalini awakening that seriously impacted my health. I grappled with ongoing nervous system sensitivity, tinnitus, skin flare-ups and digestion issues for eighteen months before I started working with Catherine and Claudia. Now six months later my digestion issues are resolved and my skin and tinnitus have improved by about 90%. Actually, I look and feel better than I have in over ten years. I feel so fortunate to have been introduced to their program! If any of you out there are looking for a gifted Medical Medium nutrition practitioner, look no further! Catherine and Claudia do an excellent job at taking the Medical Medium information and tailoring it specifically for you! There is a spiritual side to this as well! Your life will change in beautiful and unexpected ways for the better! Guaranteed! Give it a try and surprise yourself!
Matt . (USA)
Quiero compartir  mi testimonio mi hijo  de 29 años le diagnosticaron   melanoma metastásico…. Nos pusimos en manos de Claudia  y  Catherine ..los resultados son  muy buenos y los efectos secundarios de los tratamientos no han sido tan agresivos quiero  agradecerles por que son muy profesionales y unos seres humanos llenos de luz que siempre que les hablo me responden  y están muy pendientes de mi hijo ….,,
I want to share my testimony, my 29-year-old son was diagnosed with metastatic melanoma…. We put ourselves in the hands of Claudia and Catherine...the results are very good and the side effects of the treatments have not been so aggressive. I want to thank them because they are very professional and human beings full of light who whenever I speak to them they respond and are very attentive to my son….,,

Ana (Mexico)
Text message testimonial:

Hi Catherine and Claudia. Since I started the diet in Feb this year my total cholesterol went from 222 to 157. My HDL went from 53 to 45. Pretty big difference! I must have had fatty liver!!!
The total cholesterol drop is shocking!
My LDL went from 134 to 98.
Matt  (USA)
These ladies are a phenomenal team. Being a young teen with challenging health conditions they were patient, knowledgeable, listened to my concerns, symptoms and addressed my needs with compassion. Every step of the way they were supportive. 
Natalie (USA)
I was diagnosed with asthma and lyme disease many years ago. I recently woke up with a very painful and swollen knee, making it impossible to walk. After just one Meridian Therapy session with Catherine I noticed the swelling reducing significantly and by the next morning was gone! I confess I was skeptical about remote therapy, but it worked wonders for me!
Jack (USA)
“Since working with Catherine and Claudia in just a short time (2 months) on many issues that I have struggled with since I can remember, I have experienced so many positive changes in my life. When I sleep, I finally sleep deeply and feel more rested, I have stopped wearing my nightly grinding teeth guard, my chronic headaches have subsided. My diet has changed drastically for the better. The knowledge this team has around nutrition and how to best support one's health and well being is incredible. I have learned so much in just a few months, regarding the reasons why we suffer chronic illness and how to heal. It has been what feels like a lifetime of waiting for this information. Everyday I am so grateful to be working with Catherine and Claudia. This is lifetime journey" 

  ~ Melissa H. (USA)
Healing Journey Day 3
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“Working with Catherine and Claudia has been a big help in my healing journey. Not only are they both skilled within their fields, working with Catherine who is healing herself with similar issues has provided great insight, knowledge and a true understanding of what I'm going through. For the first time I have felt heard and they are working WITH me and supporting me through my healing journey." 

  ~ Emily B. (Australia)

"I've had adrenal fatigue for years. It has debilitated my social life and ability to exercise, go out, and have fun and work without difficulty. I tried everything meditation, gentle yoga, therapy, herbs and diets, yet despite being disciplined and quite committed in those areas, I was still having insomnia, pain, difficulties focusing at work and was exhausted all the time.

I tried different modalities to release them but I was impatient and they wouldn’t work and then I met Catherine and Claudia and working directly with them was the missing piece. I first began working with Catherine and she has guided me towards a full Medical Medium diet and I began acupuncture with her that always left me feeling better and rested. I then worked with Claudia to add the correct herbs to my regime.  I quickly started realizing I was never on the right herbs from other practitioners. I could simply feel this difference and that happened quite swiftly. I started seeing small successes in how I felt and I soon began to realize I was finally in hands of people who were qualified to help guide me towards true healing.  The cycling through endless practitioners had finally ended.

My adrenal fatigue started with childhood trauma and I’ve learned that this is a process that’s slow and takes time, but it’s potent and lasting. I am still on my healing path but Catherine and Claudia’s constant accessible support has encouraged me to listen to my body and slow down and most importantly to be patient and that guidance continues to help.  I am dedicated to my healing and having Catherine and Claudia’s wisdom and expertise has led to accelerating my progress in healing.  It’s such a relief to finally be in the hands of people who are not only incredible supportive but who can actually guide one towards true healing.

Here are some improvements I experienced from working with these wonderful women:


- The frequency of my insomnia is decreasing, and I sleep better.

- I have an easier time falling asleep and falling back asleep when I wake up in the middle of the night to pee.

- The frequency of headaches has dropped. Whereas I used to have to plan a whole week around one event or social occasion, I am starting to be more spontaneous. I have more energy to get chores done.

- I don’t need as much recovery time as I used to. Of course, I still am more limited than others and I have to be careful not to expend too much energy, but the fact that I have some life energy back is huge progress.

- I have more energy to handle stressful days at work


It was also wonderful to finally connect with people that understood what adrenal fatigue is and what I was going through. I still have adrenal fatigue and need more rest and quiet time than others, but I am finally on the path to healing and this brings not only peace to my body but I am able to have more patience as the small successes are so very encouraging. With Catherine and Claudia’s guidance, I know how to work with my limitations instead of feeling like it is working against me.

Thank you, Catherine and Claudia. I feel nothing but deep gratitude for you."


 ~ Jennifer N. (USA)

excema on hands
excema healed hands
“I started working with Catherine and Claudia after looking for solutions to my severe case of eczema. They created a custom nutrition plan and helped me implement it at my own pace. After several weeks I was happy to notice some improvement on my skin. The second phase of the plan included some cleanses and the results were great, my skin finally cleared up! I enjoy food and my diet is not always perfect, but now I have the experience and tools to take care of myself if I indulge a little too much." 

  ~ Nicolas G. (Mexico)


If you have a medical emergency, call 911 or go to a hospital emergency room.

Nothing in this website and/or programs should be construed as healthcare advice, medical diagnosis, treatment or prescription. Information or guidance provided by Healing Wellness Place, should not be construed as a promise of benefits, a claim of cures, or a guarantee of results to be achieved. Healing Wellness Place makes no guarantees or warranties related to their products or services.

You understand the information provided on this website is not a substitute for health care, medical or nutritional advice of any kind. You understand and agree that you are fully responsible for your own mental and physical well being, including your dietary choices and decisions. You agree to seek medical advice as determined by your own judgment before starting any program, any form of treatment or discontinuing use of any medications as prescribed by your medical practitioner. Advise and recommendations given on this website or in personal consultations by phone, email, online, written or otherwise, is at the clients's sole discretion and risk and not intended, in any way, to be a substitute for a western medical exam or western medical advice.


Statements and information on this website and/or personal protocols have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug administration. Information or guidance provided by Catherine Provencal and / or Claudia Sames should not be construed as a claim of cures, or a guarantee of results to be achieved. By proceeding with the online consults, I have been given the opportunity to ask questions and I accept full responsibility for my health and hereby absolve the practitioners from any liabilities, legal or otherwise.

Claudia Sames and/or Catherine Provencal are not licensed medical doctors, chiropractors, osteopathic physicians, naturopathic doctors, pharmacists, psychologists, psychotherapists, or other formally licensed healthcare professionals. We do not render medical, psychological, or other professional advice or treatment, nor do we provide or prescribe any medical diagnosis, treatment, medication, or remedy. The information provided by Healing Wellness Place will not treat or diagnose any disease, illness, or ailment and if they should experience any such issues they should see their registered physician or other practitioner as determined by their own judgment.



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